Rain falls like ink on this dark night
Do your tears fall in blue when you’re sad?
A few hours ago, I was on top of the world
Now I’m drained in the aftermath
Shimmering landscape and twinkling lights like a pot of ink
Do you wish to be somewhere else
Be someone else?
Some things are irreplaceable
Actually, there is so much that is irreplaceable
But the ones that are truly irreplaceable, like the sun or moon
They fall into nothingness but bring with them the memories of the world they’ve left behind, of the people they’ve left behind
So this is how it goes
The irreplaceable hits the surface
The impact is the hollow feeling in your chest
The bigger the loss, the harder it is to breathe
The irreplaceable creates a splash
And a spring somewhere in the nothingness finds a way out rushing in the back of your eyes
The irreplaceable starts to sink
And you wonder why it’s hard to swallow these days, there’s a lump in your throat, the caricature of the irreplaceable
The irreplaceable descends
There’s a weight in your stomach now
Grief mixed with a ghost grows cold
Drying stamp ink of a deposit
Those first days, weeks, and years are the worst
The nothingness adjusts to accommodate your irreplaceable
Each movement sends unpleasant ripples
You lose something irreplaceable to the nothingness
This is its way of letting you know your irreplaceable has been received
This is the only real comfort there is.
Thank you for reading!