How Football Legend David Icke Changed My Mind About Conspiracy Theories (Part II)
In a world set in stone on its course biologically, physically and socially, “Love will heal the world” is a very unrealistic pursuit.
If God came down and told us “Love will heal the world”, we would feel abandoned, neglected and cheated.
No professional doctor has uttered the words.
Though you tattoo those five words on your body, they don’t take root or come true.
Icke’s crazier conspiracy theory?
“Peaceful non-compliance will disempower “the elite.”
How do his believers not feel abandoned, neglected and cheated with such a proposal after he incites so much violence and cognitive dissonance in them with his books?
Then I had a change of heart.
If his mind ran away with metaphors, or went to a place where metaphors are real, at least he doesn’t use them to hide his criticisms to make a mockery of coded books of war time and censoring.
Is the war over?
Is there an eternal war that books cannot discuss?
I guess conspiracy theory is the genre that has broken the fourth wall of literature. A bull in a china shop.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not fooled by Icke’s “Love all” intentions. No one goes on a tangent of hidden monsters in over 20 books just to say “Yeah, so that’s the point. Love one another.”
I have read Revelations after all.
However, Icke and many of his ilk have broken the fourth wall, but the world does not listen still. And they are left to feel crazy and face ridicule because they express this way what the George Orwell-s of the ‘Men of letters’ literature handle with care.
Some experts have tried to call his work metaphor and allegory. Which he has vehemently rejects. I don’t blame him, metaphors and allegory have not done anything except give us something to pretend to be smart about and create more “elite” groups.
Neither poetry nor conspiracy theory has done anything.
Neither calling ‘it’ love nor calling it a regulated nervous system has worked.
Neither calling ‘it’ hate nor calling it cancer has deterred us.
So what if they are insane? So what if they are right? It doesn’t matter.
As long as it begs the question of love and healing, how can it be strange. If it is strange, isn’t truth stranger than fiction?
Before I could move on with “my new found peace|, ‘it’ dawned on me.
Love will heal us all/peaceful non-compliance is Icke’s craziest conspiracy theory.
Love is the greatest conspiracy theory.
To those who don’t subscribe to it at least.
This good thing almost no one believes. It has not been confirmed. It has not been disproved. It is too simple a solution. It is too complex a practice. The most famous guy in 2000 years died for it. It is too good to be true. Most importantly, it’s a one person entry.
That’s a conspiracy theory I…want…to…be…part…of.
That’s what happened to the Pharisees and those who didn’t believe Christ, right? They had a belief that some secret but influential power, but him, was responsible for Jesus’ actions and certain phenomenon.
Jesus is also a good example on how peaceful non-compliance may fail.
It is worth noting that Christ was killed for a conspiracy (to maitain their status and power from the law which was being cancelled) by conspiracy theorists. So imagine if the “elite” freak out that the “sheep” are acting mighty free and happy so they must be hiding some immaterial oil reserve.
We die either way…
But I digress.
It’s true, love will heal us all, and you might die along the way but peaceful non-compliance ensures that each one of us will always have a home to go back to, dead or alive. Fingers crossed on the ressurection.
So….go out in the world and inside yourself with ‘radical’ love and practice peaceful non-compliance. WHENEVER YOU REMEMBER to do either or both. Until you stop forgetting.