Where is the time for everything?

3 min readMar 13, 2024



If life goes by in the blink of an eye
Grab one of her eyelashes and make a wish
When you close your eyes and dream, be brave enough to let in the unblinking gaze of the sun to shine upon them
In dreams, the darkness nurtures us
And stays until the will of the light overwhelms it
Their tango creates the strangest things...

In the morning, when the sunrise hits my window, it creates these shapes in the ventilators. From my bed, the ventilators appear to be huge heads of six alien elders. They dissolve once the light rays commit to the day.

I stare until then.

It gives me something to zone out in the waking world.

They dissolve into moments that dissolve into the growing day, which ripples in time.

Today, those six alien elders got me thinking about angles and light and time.


"Is time light?" I type into the Google search bar.

"No, time is used to measure between two events. Photons of light actually have zero speed, and yes, time has stopped, or in a photon’s frame of reference, time does not exist," the first result reads from Quora.

The same answer applies to, "Is light time?"

"Okay." Even though I don’t understand and I’m too focused on my excitement at the "possibility" of time and light being one thing or that time is a by-product of light, to bother with any Physics quick study.

"Does time exist outside light?"

"No, time can not exist without light," another Quora result reads.

"Does that mean time stops at night or in the dark?"

"If you stopped time, all light and sound would stop, too. This would leave you instantly deaf and blind..." Discovery.com.

"Which light are they referring to when they talk about the speed of light?"


"How can you tell the passing of time in a dark room? If you can’t, is it because you are cut off from the means by which to tell time (sun, watches, entropy) or because time stops?"

"Is time an angle?"

The questions susurrate in the back of my mind as I put my phone down.

I go back to staring at the alien elders. They are 70% gone by now.

Are they going to a council meeting? Do they know I can see them? Am I a Green Lantern?

Time and Light = Lime.
And aliens are green.
Whenever lime hits matter = animation a.k.a life.
I hit rock bottom of my nonsensical musings by the sound of my alarm.

I start to get up to start my day when I see it.
A shinny pun wrapped in an ominous poem.

What the start of day brings
Sometimes, the doorbell it won’t ring
And if into malefics of time, you lean
Are these six alien elders foreshadowing?


Have yourself a blue sky time.




Written by Shay

Hey, let's write our silly little stories🫖🍵

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